Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Research Assessment

Research Question: Which method is more efficient for modelling, texturing and exporting accurate, semi-complex objects (objects with higher number of poly's - cylindrical shapes).

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After-word and explanations
In terms of efficiency i focused the assignment on which one is quicker to complete set tasks. I found that the quicker it is to complete a task, the less steps there is to be taken, therefore the more efficient it is.

Sketchup as it is, cannot be argued that it is simple and easy to use, especially for beginners. But it is because of its simple-ness that makes it much more time consuming to produce a more accurate model. Sketchup is a simple and straight forward to use program for modelling, but when it comes to exporting and converting the files to crysis compatible, it is more confusing, and involves more steps. And while importing into crysis, the initial measurements i had on sketchup completely blew out of proportion. This may be because i did not set it right from the beginning, but i did go back and check again to make sure measurments are in centimetres, but as it is, when i imported into crysis, i had to resize, which is yet again, a time-consuming task to do, plus it is less accurate - at least in size. Materially, sketchup is easy to apply materials on, but i found that the end result is less neat compared to 3dsmax.

On the other hand, solidworks came out as the more easier program to use when modelling the set object. Its advantages include its more complex interface, with the more complex tools that users can use to save time. Like the linear tool that i used within the research, it proved to save me a lot of time, compared to having to draw and extrude each and every one in sketchup. Though one disadvantage would be that i cannot do every task in solidworks, that there is a need to use 3dsmax to apply materials on. This turned out to take a little more time, as i had to export and import. Materially, 3dsmax took longer because i had to take more steps into applying the material on the faces, and setting them to the correct setting. But an advantage of this is that the end result came out much more nicer and neater in crysis. And finally, compared to sketchup, exporting (both materials and object) from 3dsmax was much more quicker and easier. When imported to crysis, the object also came out the correct size, with no needs to resizing, which in the end saved me much more time and effort.

Therefore by my comparison of which method overall took the quickest to complete, i concluded that the solidworks method was much more efficient when it comes to modelling semi-complex models.

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